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Our Visiting Pods

Following the outbreak of Coronavirus we quickly set to work to design something which would allow our residents and their families to safely see each other in person. We now have a visiting pod at both Bethany and Bethshan, after each visit they are cleaned throughly, ready for the next visit. If you would like to book a visit to see your loved one, please contact the office on 01946 590071 and Alana will be happy to help you. 


Our visiting pod at Bethshan 


Our visiting pod at Bethany House

Can I just turn up or do I need to book?

If you would prefer to see your loved on in a visiting pod, please book a visiting slot. You can make a request for booking a visit in either visiting pod by contacting our office on 01946 590071.

How long are the visiting slots?

The visiting slots are unlimited. Please contact our office on 01946 590071 for more information.

Are the visiting pods safe?

The visiting pods were designed and built on site to ensure that they met the needs of both homes. Both visiting pods are fully sealed to ensure the safety of both residents and their visitors alike. Between visits the pods are thoroughly cleaned and sanitised.

Do I need to wear a mask?

No, not unless you would prefer to. Our visiting pods were designed in such a way that there is no risk of transmission from our residents or their visitors. We wanted to make the time that you spend with your loved one as personal and 'normal' as possible. Our residents are never required to wear a mask.  

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